Customs clearance of parcels over 10 000 euros

( 1 ) Internet and international courier services have given each of us the opportunity to order any product from abroad and get it in Ukraine in a few days. The popularity of this kind of service is increasing every day. But do not forget that before the parcel falls into your hands it passes customs control and may be detained or seized if the customs authorities have any questions about the content of the parcel or the design of documents that accompany it.
( 2 ) After a parcel arrives in Ukraine, it is sent to customs, where it is inspected. Parcels and cargo are checked at customs in three areas: the value of the parcel, its contents, and the correctness of the accompanying documents. To avoid problems at customs, you need to follow all the instructions clearly and monitor each stage of the delivery.
Most often the detention of parcels at customs is due to the need for customs clearance.
Duty-free limits in Ukraine
Checking the value of a parcel is necessary for tax purposes and subsequent customs clearance.
Since 2022 the duty-free limit in Ukraine has been increased from 100 to 150 Euros. This means that if your parcel doesn't exceed this limit, you are not obliged to clear the parcel or cargo through customs and it will go straight to the recipient.
But, there are situations when parcels worth less than 150 euros are still detained at customs.
The detention of a parcel worth less than 150 euros at customs may be due to:
In order to be sure of the fast delivery of your parcel or cargo and not to worry about any customs nuances, address to the professional customs broker «Semero».
«Semero» has more than 10 years of experience in successful customs clearance of parcels and cargo!
Why is it important to track parcels?
After ordering a parcel, the seller hands over the shipment to the courier service and you get a tracking number by which you can track the location of the shipment on the delivery service website:
Broker company «Semero» recommends tracking and checking for activity, given to your tracking number. You may do it yourself or leave it to an experienced customs broker.
«Semero» - professional control of each stage of the delivery!
The process of customs clearance in Ukraine can be reduced to two main points:
The need for customs clearance arises only if the price of your shipment or parcel exceeds the duty-free limit of 150 euros.
From €150 to €10,000 you pay 10% duty and 20% VAT, if the value of the parcel exceeds €10,000 the amount will depend on the code of the imported goods.
An example of the calculation of customs duties:
Of 190 € is the full value of the parcel, 150 € is not taxed, and the remaining 40 € is subject to customs duties at the NBU exchange rate on the day of clearance.
The base for taxation will be: 190 - 150 = 40 €
Duty: (190 - 150) * 10% = 4 €
VAT: (40 + 4) * 20% = 8.8 euro
Duty + VAT: duty 4 euro + Value Added Tax (VAT) 8.8 euro = 12.8 euro
Total: 12.8 EUR
*The approximate amount of charges - (479,93 UAH) depends on the exchange rate established by the NBU on the date of execution of the relevant documents.
You can deal with customs clearance on your own or use the services of a professional customs broker, who knows all the nuances of customs clearance of parcels and cargo in Ukraine.
If you decide to go through customs clearance yourself, you will need a specific list of documents, which may vary depending on the goods you are importing, for example, when importing paintings, antiques, or copyright items.
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