How to clear a parcel at customs by yourself

( 1 ) Due to the complication of the logistics processes themselves and, often, the increase of the delivery route, as well as security issues, the terms and conditions of parcels and freight transportation to Ukraine have been changed. The new system works on the basis of security considerations, not only for the parcels but also for the employees of the companies involved in transportation and parcel processing. Our team offers the best conditions and routes of delivery for individuals and legal entities (LLC, PE).
How to deliver a parcel to Ukraine in wartime?
At the moment, all parcels and freight sent to Ukraine from the U.S., China, Europe, and other countries, go to a warehouse in Poland and are then forwarded to our country's territory.
Delivery of parcels to Ukraine in wartime with «Semero»:
The company «Semero» – provides a solution for the delivery and customs clearance of small parcels at the expense of the world's express carriers.
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