If you have ordered a parcel delivery service DHL, UPS, TNT or FedEx from abroad to Ukraine and you need to know the procedure of customs clearance, how to calculate the amount of duty to pay for the parcel, and where the customs account to pay taxes.
According to Ukrainian legislation and customs regulations for parcels, freight and other items that you transport from one country to another, they all undergo customs control upon arrival in the country.
DHL Customs clearance in Ukraine applies to parcels worth more than 150 euros, and you will need to submit the declaration on your own or with the help of a customs broker.
To trace the parcel in Ukraine or any other country you need to subscribe to a newsletter on the website or track it yourself using the numbers of the consignment note (tracking number).
Track and trace your order (parcel or freight) with DHL Express - the express delivery of documents and parcels, 24/7 online. DHL office in Ukraine is located in Kyiv and all parcels from around the world are arriving there.
You may not have thought about it, but it is international courier services that allow us to buy and receive goods from abroad and send them from Ukraine.
If you order goods, personal items, commercial cargo and, in general, anything from abroad, then you need to know a few rules and algorithms of delivery services and customs to ensure that your package will arrive in Ukraine on time and you will not have any problems with the customs authorities.
In order for the recipient to receive your parcel as quickly as possible and for you to be confident in the timing of its delivery, you must use the services of proven courier services and customs broker companies, such as FedEx, TNT, DHL, UPS, and «Semero».
«Semero» Customs Brokerage Company provides freight and airfreight services, as well as courier delivery services to the door of Amazon FBA address in the USA (Amazon.com.dedc LLC, 250 Emerald Drive) from Ukraine. Express door-to-door delivery of your goods by parcel from Ukraine to USA to FBA Amazon warehouse in 3 – 5 days, so you won't get into "temporarily out of stock".
Due to the complication of the logistics processes themselves and, often, the increase of the delivery route, as well as security issues, the terms and conditions of parcels and freight transportation to Ukraine have been changed.